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Chow Tai Fook Launches New Retail Campaign to Focus on the Origins of Their Diamonds

Asian Jewellery brand, Chow Tai Fook, launches a new campaign looking at providing a “retail experience” for their diamond buyers.  In an attempt to differentiate themselves as well as their diamonds, Chow Tai Fook’s campaign aim focuses on their strap line “to tell the truth”. 


1) The campaign

The diamond industry is a prestigious sector.  For many diamond retailers it’s hard to set yourself apart and distinguish why your diamonds are more elegant than the rest.  Chow Tai Fook and branding and creative agency, Two Hundred, identified this issue.  So they looked at a campaign strategy which would enhance their brand.  As well as people’s perceptions of their brand and retail experience.

For Chow Tai Fook the experience starts in their retail space.  It is here where consumers learn more about the diamonds and where they are sourced.

This is then enhanced with Chow Tai Fook’s patented technology.  Technology that allows each diamond to be emblazoned with a `T-mark`.  Which in turn, provides a serial number unique to each shiny piece of crystallised carbon.

2) Building trust

Through the retail focus of their campaign and also through the technology they’re using, Chow Tai Fook are building a strong bond with their audience.  As well as allowing their customers to know exactly where their diamonds are from.  Not only that, the brand is also highlighting how the `T-mark` builds trust, as it enables the traceability of the stone.  From its source through processing, cutting, polishing, authentication and design.


3) The 4 T’s

The four T’s look at: traceable, transparent, truthful and thoughtful.  The brand is hailing that the technology-enabled tracking is the “pioneer of a new trade standard”.  As it places itself in the top spot with target audiences, when it comes to credibility.

Alan Chan, Director of group branding at Chow Tai Fook, commented in Campaign Asia-Pacific that other brands “have had the idea of setting a standard related to the journey of diamonds for some time, but we are the only ones commanding the resources and productions scale to do so”.

4) Retail experience

Bringing it to life within their stores, Chow Tai Fook have created “experience zones”.  Described as: “the area where we try to engage with customers by explaining the concept of 4T and, using interactive platforms, we take them along their favoured diamond’s historical journey”.


What the brand are doing, is highlighting the transparency in their approach.  It is this element that builds up the strong nature of trust and emotional attachment.  Furthermore, this interactive experience allows the consumer to connect to the brand as everything which is chosen and sought is personalised to them.

5) Setting themselves apart

Chow Tai Fook has embarked on a great campaign to build their brand name and reputation.  But they have also used it to set them apart from the competition.  They’ve found something that no one else in the industry is currently offering and they are capitalising on this.

It also plays on people’s ethics.  Today more people are taking an interest in ethical sourcing and the detailed information that the brand provides and the journey in which they take the customer on is a great way to establish trust and keep that customer engagement.


However, for all a great branding exercise and campaign, the communications online do not always follow suit.  Campaign Asia-Pacific reported that “with all the money being spent on this effort, we were surprised to find the website riddled with grammatically peculiar statements”.

Brands must be aware that your offline actions must be replicated and enhanced by your online communications.  Otherwise all of the great work you can do in-store can soon be undone by poorly cited communications online.

References:  Campaign Asia-Pacific
Pictures from:  Campaign Asia-Pacific, Crebi News, JingDaily.com

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