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The Nike Vending Machine That Accepted Fuelband Points as a Form of Payment

In July, Nike unveiled a vending machine that only dispenses goods in exchange for Fuelband points, earned with the Nike’s wearable fitness monitor.

Created by agency Huge, the machine offered Nike T-shirts, socks and hats and appeared in secret locations all around New York. The brand helped consumers find it via tweeter hints.

However, this machine didn’t accept any money. The currencies were Nike+ Fuelband points that had to be earned in the past 24 hours. So people needed to move around before receiving a small treat from Nike! Also, the machine started around 500 fuel points and better merchandising could cost more than 1000 fuel points.

With this campaign, Nike manages to promote its products, encourage its consumers to do sports, and to appear as a friendly and fun brand that creates a game around the city while rewarding its consumers.

It is interesting to see how brands are starting to exchange goods with their consumers with new types of currencies, such as Instagram pictures, Facebook likes or in this case Fuelband points! It is possible that in a near future these types of currencies could become more valuable than money in certain cases, as they quickly create awareness and generate word-of-mouth.

⇒ See also: Birds Eye Creates a Pop-Up Restaurant That Lets Customers Pay With Instagram Pictures

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References: Branding Magazine, Tech Crunch

Pictures from: Branding MagazineFast Co Create

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